Meeting Agenda 

Part 1


– There are members who feel as though we need to rush production of products without any circumstances. My responsibility based on the contract is to deliver a product. If we go to market with products that aren’t at a profitable standard based on individuals suggestions it will result into low sales. Low sales means a low demand of the product. Which will result in the product reaching its lifetime in the store. Based on the contract you will receive profits for the lifetime of the product. To make sure that the products lifetime is long we want to deliver products  that are of quality across the board. 

    We want to deliver great products that will reflect positively on MBWS and The Glam Supply. Pleasing both current customers and attracting new ones. So if one product does great it will create trust in the store and our ability to create and house quality product in the long run. 

This is also why I said before joining the group this is not a quick flip. Each product we create is a sustainable foundation to MBWS and The Glam Supply and all future brands that partner with us. 

(Easy break down) If we can’t create good products why do you think Indie brands will even consider partnering with us and letting us get a percentage of their brands? 

Part 2: Instant refunds

  • Dates for instant refunds has passed
  • The legality of why seats have to be purchased  through seat “pickups” by another member is legally I can’t not give instant refunds on a project that has already been started unless your seat is covered /purchased for the exact amount by another member of the group that you initially paid for. It is illegal to pay an old investor out of the initial investment money from other members. This is called a Ponzi scheme. Please google what a Ponzi scheme is.
  • A Ponzi scheme is an illegal business practice in which new investor’s money is used to make payments to earlier investors.

This is why seat pickups are put in place. Because a member is purchasing your seat directly. No numbers are changed only seats are transferred between members. 

No More In-Between Update Info: 

Why the extra in-betweens have been eliminated. People are using confidential contents from this group to manipulate and try to tarnish the image of the brand/products. These projects don’t just belong to me but they also belong to you. Negative campaigns will tarnish brand image and sales. So to minimize that before launches I have minimized the in-between info. By doing this we have the element of surprise and a more shock factor. I thought it was necessary in the beginning but now because of prior events I have taken necessary measure for a smooth launch. 

Why all question and conversations have been moved to the comments area on the IG page?

One of the reasons is so everyone can see the questions being asked and responses. This also minimizes repeat questions being asked and answered. If you have a suggestion or statement that area designated for it. This is so that all active group members can see the exchange of communication publicly within the group. 

Going forward please address your inquiries to the designated area. As stated earlier we have minimized in between info because we have members who are breaching contract by leaking confidential information outside of the group. In resulting the current type of updates. This has been said multiple of times before in multiple meetings. 

This is unfortunate. I want to share so much with you all on the production process. I want to share so we have something to be excited about and grow together as a group along this journey. But you have people who have ruined that opportunity. I have spent years trying to create these products I will protect them at all cost. 

If you want me to be honest I love my products and brand more than y’all. This passion and drive is the reason why the products come out so well. I wish you could have been on the same journey with me but it didn’t happen. For all those who have ordered products that where created outside of MBWS projects knows how detailed and passionate I am about each product that I create. That same amount of effort will always be put into all of the projects. 

Website Changes:

I made some changes since the last meeting on the website for a smoother communication and to make it easier for members to follow. The FAQ’s  area located on the website has subjects organized and dedicated to frequent questions asked. There was also a tab created to tell you that the forums was moved to IG. Which currently has over 400 comments, questions, and responses. On the website there were time stamp sheets created for you to reference to easily navigate video recordings. There will be a new comments forum post created on IG after this meeting. Please reframe from emailing about things that are answered in these areas. We need members to see publicly the questions and statements being made so both us as the group managers and members can help with any information that you may have missed.

I did a lot to help and others members contributed to making the website and information user friendly. Please excuse if repetitive questions are not high priority to us. If you cannot find an answer to your question there are forums on IG and the FAQ page on the website.

Updates are only available for those who are members of the group within the group. It is a breach of contract if you share updates outside of the group. If a member is not active in the group they still have access to the website/ communication with us. Until their seat is picked up by another member. If they are on the list for seat pick ups they will be contacted when their seat sales. It is not your job to keep them informed on other members projects.They are not to have access to live meetings discussing others group projects. Sharing information can lead to us terminating the contract as stated in your contracts. These are in place to protect members and other future brands that partner with us. 

If you are reported to be spamming and asking other members for money in the group using our name you will be removed. You will have access still to the website just not the members.

All this has above has been verbally stated multiple of times and or written in your contracts years ago. Except for the last part referencing “the asking people for money.” We will not be responsible or mediate if you give another member money. 

Things that affect all projects as of late 2019 during

1) Pandemic

  • Manufactures were required by their governments to use partial of their product lines to provide the entire world with PPE
  • Minimize other exports to export PPE 
  • factory worker capacity

2) Air/Sea freight 

  • Have increased by almost 300% that price will be dissolved into product.
  • Shipping Container Shortage

3) Beauty Supplies are closing

  • Currently placing on hold our original marketing out reach idea.
  • Moving towards more influencer based marketing.


Lace Shortage/ Material Shortage: 

Our current issue with wigs is the material. Referencing our last download we needed to change lace. Right now our manufacture are trying to piece the order together still with the lack of lace. Beginning of covid lace was not being made by manufactures because they were on full lockdown. When lockdown was eased a bit they limited the amount of workers in facilities. Lengthening production times and the amount that is being produced. So all companies are battling for HD lace during the pandemic. Our wig manufacture has been able to buy a little at a time when it is found. When they are able to obtain batches of lace they always keep me informed and I constantly check and monitor production. 

The second issue we will run into is when the order is complete and wigs sale out and or close to low inventory we will need to restock. We will have the same issues restocking at a pleasable time frame.

The wig cap is finished they now need to vent the lace front and attach it to cap. But they have to do it in small batches because the scarcity in lace.

I will not be using less quality lace. No one will pay a high price than average for cheap lace on a synthetic wig. Our wigs will have the “magic melting lace” this is something that sets us apart from high density laces with this blend of fibers. On top of are customized hairline. 

I know things will get better and more consistent in production but right now with covid this is how they are working and we will and need adjust.

How I have adjusted to the situation is with a contingency plan. I understand that many are eager and want their particular project to move. But I am not willing to sacrifice product quality for impatience. But I won’t ignore that you are eager and excited. 

Contingency Plans

I have been planning a contingency plan since the beginning of the shortage. As stated I’m always working on products and formulas so we can be head and prepare for future launches. The contingency plan for the wigs is an eyeshadow palette with another brand that I have been working on. No money is needed to be raised for this project. I will be giving the same amount of seats in the project that you currently have in the wigs. This is not a replacement. Wigs are still and will be produced this is so that wig group can have something that is currently not affected as much by the current pandemic. 

Over the years I was able to formulate a base formula that can be used to create multiple formulas for each brand. Because of this it will shorten are production process. We now just need to focus on packaging. I have already designed multiple concepts for this brand. I already have the 2D version designed and submitted. I just now need a dye cut to insert artwork. The dye cut process can’t be started until 2-3 months. I don’t want to give final sample date because I usually wait till I have the approved structure. Then we can get a printed copy of the palette. Referencing what I said earlier I don’t like to show stuff until it is done. This eliminates leaks from the group.

But what I can tell you is the name of the brand. The brand is called GUD Beauty. My only question and input I want from you all is when you hear the name do you think mid price range and or target over the counter. 

(Takes note) I have designed concepts for both price ranges and whatever you chose concepts and designs won’t go to waste they can be used for something else. You just need to decide when you hear the name or think of it where do you see this product placed. This decision will also determine how we choose to brand it/marketing campaigns. 


There are 6 styles that were approved for mass. We originally had 11; but with the small mass order to check consistency 5 did not make it through the final larger mass order. 

BMARIE COLLAB: Bmarie collab plans have changed. I did not know that she was coming out with her own lash line around the same time of negotiations. I believe this is  conflict of interest. Maybe we can revisit it in the future. I have other artist in mind to do a collab with on the lash line but I will not be announcing who it is for now on until I get contracts signed and the product is finish. So we can have a smooth collab launches. 

Eye-conic lash line: Lashes are here and ready to launch and Q and A is finished. We will be shipping out all those who have added seats for 25mm lash line. The promo video will be launching tomorrow. And we will let customers purchase in either 2-3 days (starting with the focus group makeupsnitch, early access text list, and then general public)

 UPDATE: That date has moved back a little ( 5-6 days)

 We wanted them close to the launch of the CP eyeshadow palette. This will cause consistent hype and more momentum for our retail page. Now that we will be introducing a more core product in color cosmetics/makeup industry) 

Lash SSJ04 with be discontinued not many people care for the style. This does not affect your seats in any type of way. Because Lashes was a whole group in general like wig groups. This is something that will commonly happen. When a style does not sale we won’t keep it in the store. But we will forever be adding new lash styles.

With lash updates unless we add totally new line and or packaging the only updates that will be added to that group is sale sheets for now on. And again please be patient with those we are trying to do so much during covid with only 3 people. We had plans to grow the team more to help with shipping but it is not smart to have more people in the office during covid. No one’s life is worth the risk. So Quincy is trying to manage that ,shipping, and customer service all at the same time. 

Mink Farms

Mink farms had a mass infection of Covid-19 on farms that contributed to slow productions and restocks. Please google when the meeting is done. Production of minks are slower and we need to balance out of not having too much inventory and slow production. With these contributing factors please don’t be surprised that styles are sold out for 2-3 months at a time .

Added Contributing factors to past and current production times

When adding new styles you need to see if the style will sale before you repurchase and commit fully to the style. For example with SSJ04 we can’t commit fully and will be discontinuing it. But our customers love SSJ85 and SSJ54 so we can fully commit to those. 

Also a few posts back I stated that we have a new box company for the lashes also they are more reliable and better quality and was able to give us a heavier card stock. 

CP Palette

I will not be showing the color story. We had individuals in the group who were passing around the news letter. And our palettes and screen shots ruining the surprise. So I will keep the color story a secret for the next week or two. This will be for every palette that is created for now on. I am no longer releasing color stories until close to launch date. And when I do they will be on public pages before I show them in the group so they are not leaked before I release them to the general public. Because of the leakage I had to redo an entirely new color story which pushed this launch back over 6 months in reformulating completely new colors. Too much unnecessary time was wasted and  I will not go through that again. 

Today I will show you the structure. 

 (Turns camera on palette talks bout palette.)  Price range $39

The palettes was approved for mass production last year and should be completed in a few weeks. (UPDATED TIME 20 Days) This is the timeline I was given. 

CP Shipping

 Because shipping has increased by almost 300% from china I had to split the shipment type up. Partial of the order will be shipped by Air which will be enough for PR team and to have enough inventory until the other part of our order is here by sea which sea freight may take up to 2.5 months to receive including the costumes approval process. We need to have as much inventory as possible currently. Majority of the order was done by sea because that is currently the cheapest way to get the product here. This was done to make sure we don’t price ourselves out of our consumer base for this line. Remember shipping has to be dissolved into product price.

That being said, everyone who order their CP Palette seats for this palette you will receive your free one when the second shipment gets here. We need as much inventory as possible for buyers. 

Closing Words

Please remember that every time we create outstanding product it creates trust in the brands quality. If one project does well it is a jewel in our crown and our customers will not second guess the quality in whatever else we present for them to purchase. When  the brushes did well it helped grew the store to the buyers we have now. When lashes and sponges came it added more customers. When the palette launches it will helps us grow even more seeing that it is a core product in beauty. Those same customers will potential buy everything else we add and present to them. It is a team effort not a competition. That is how we will win by working together not trying to see who is first or who is the best because if one wins we all win. 

Q/A Time

©[2018] MrsBlackWallstreet All Rights Reserved


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